GIS Data comes from many places and in many forms. At ClueTrust, we're dedicated to making sure that you can get the data you need into your maps and analysis. For this, we've enlisted the assistance of the GDAL/OGR libraries from the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. In some cases, we have also implemented our own import and export capabilities to more closely match features in Cartographica with the features in the particular file formats.
Besides providing support for many native formats, Cartographica will also attempt to decompress formats ending in .gz prior to importing.
The tables below describe, for both the Vector and Raster formats, which formats are supported, whether they are available for import or export, what the expected file extensions are, and whether support is via GDAL or internal code.
Vector File Formats Supported
Name | Primary Extensions | Import | Export | GDAL | Automated Testing |
ESRI Shapefile | shp | Y | Y | Successful | |
GPX | gpx | Y | Successful | ||
ESRI Arc/Info Binary Coverage | e00 | Y | Y | Successful | |
ESRI Arc/Info Binary Coverage (ADF) | adf | Y | Y | Successful | |
GML | gml | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
KML | kml | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
Tiger | rt1 | Y | Y | Successful | |
MapInfo TAB | tab | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
MapInfo MIF | mif | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
UK NTF | ntf | Y | Y | Successful | |
IHO S-57 | 000 | Y | Y | Successful | |
Vector SDTS | ddf | Y | Y | Successful | |
OGR VRT | vrt | Y | Y | Successful | |
DGN | dgn | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
Personal GeoDatabase | mdb | Y | Y | Successful | |
GéoConcept | gxt, txt | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
Adobe Illustrator | Y | Need Test Files | |||
Autocad Ascii Drawing (DXF) | dxf | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
GeoRSS (ATOM,GML) | xml | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
GeoRSS (ATOM,W3C) | xml | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
GeoRSS (RSS,W3C) | xml | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
GeoRSS (ATOM,Simple) | xml | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
Czech cadastral exchange data format | vfk | Y | Y | Successful | |
PCI Geomatics Database File | pix | Y | Y | Successful | |
SQLite/Spatialite | sqlite, db | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
GeoJSON | geojson | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
PostgreSQL SQL Dump | sql | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
NASA Planetary Data System | lbl | Y | Y | Successful | |
ESRI File GeoDatabaseintel | gdb | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
PostgreSQL | Y | Y | Need Test Files | ||
OpenStreetMap | osm, pbf | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
EDI Geo | thf | Y | Y | Successful | |
SVG | svg | Y | Y | Successful | |
IDRISI Vector | vct | Y | Y | Successful | |
Excel XML | xslx | Y | Y | Y | Need Test Files |
GeoPDF | Y | Y | Need Test Files | ||
Geopackage | gpkg | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
Storage and eXchange Format | sxf | Y | Y | Successful | |
WaSP .map Format | Y | Y | Need Test Files | ||
OpenFileGDB | gdb | Y | Y | Successful | |
ESRIJSON / FeatureService driver | json | Y | Y | Successful | |
GeoJSONSeq | Y | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
MBTiles Vector Database | mbtiles, pbf | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
NetCDF | nc, cdl | Y | Y | Y | Need Test Files |
OpenJUMP JML | jml | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
TopoJSON | json | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
Selafin | Y | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
VDV-451/VDV-452/INTREST | x10, idf | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
MapBox Vector Tiles | mvt, pbf, mvt.gz | Y | Y | Y | Need Test Files |
Autocad Drawing (DWG) | dwg | Y | Y | Successful | |
NASA Planetary Data System 4 | xml | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
VICAR | Y | Y | Need Test Files | ||
BAG | Y | Y | Need Test Files | ||
FITS | Y | Y | Need Test Files | ||
FlatGeobuf | fgb | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
Dutch Kadaster LV BAG 2.0 Extract | xml | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
MapML | mapml | Y | Y | Need Test Files |
Raster File Formats Supported
Name | Primary Extensions | Import | Export | GDAL | Automated Testing |
MrSIDintel | sid | Y | Y | Successful | |
TIFF | tif, tiff | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
JPEG 2000 (MrSID)intel | jp2, jpc, jpx, j2k | Y | Y | Successful | |
JPEG 2000 (OpenJPEG)arm | jp2, jpc, jpx, j2k | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
ERMapper Compresed Wavelets | ecw | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
Arc/Info ASCII Grid | asc, txt | Y | Y | Successful | |
ARC Digitized Raster Graphics | gen, thf | Y | Y | Successful | |
ARC/Info Binary Grid | adf | Y | Y | Successful | |
AirSAR | dat | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
Magellan BLX | blx | Y | Y | Successful | |
MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap | bmp | Y | Y | Successful | |
MapTech BSB | kap | Y | Y | Successful | |
VTP BT | bt | Y | Y | Successful | |
CEOS Image | img | Y | Y | Successful | |
DRDC COASP SAR Processor | hdr | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
DIMAP | dim | Y | Y | Successful | |
TerraSAR-X Complex SAR | xml | Y | Y | Successful | |
Convair PolGASP Data | img, hdr | Y | Y | Successful | |
DIPEx | dat | Y | Y | Successful | |
DOQ (Unlabeled) | nes, doq | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
DOQ | nws | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
Military Elevation Data | dt0, dt1, dt2, dhm | Y | Y | Successful | |
ESRI HDR Labeled | bil | Y | Y | Successful | |
Erdas Image Raw | img | Y | Y | Successful | |
NASA ELAS | bin | Y | Y | Successful | |
ENVI HDR Labeled | dat | Y | Y | Successful | |
ERMapper Uncompressed Raster | ers | Y | Y | Successful | |
Envisat Image Product | n1 | Y | Y | Successful | |
EOSAT FAST Format | fst | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
FIT | fit | Y | Y | Successful | |
FITS | fits | Y | Y | Successful | |
Generic Binary | hdr, bil | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
GSat File Format | gff | Y | Y | Successful | |
GIF | gif | Y | Y | Successful | |
BIGGIF | Y | Y | Need Test Files | ||
WMO GRIB | grb | Y | Y | Successful | |
Golden Software ASCII Grid | grd | Y | Y | Successful | |
Golden Software Binary Grid | grd | Y | Y | Successful | |
Golden Software Surfer 7 Binary Grid | grd | Y | Y | Successful | |
GSC Geogrid | gsc, grd | Y | Y | Successful | |
Grid eXchange File | gxf | Y | Y | Successful | |
Erdas Imagine | img | Y | Y | Successful | |
ILWIS Raster Map | mpr, mpl | Y | Y | Successful | |
USGS ISIS2 | cub | Y | Y | Successful | |
USGS ISIS3 | cub | Y | Y | Successful | |
JAXA PALSAR | 5_ud, 5_ua | Y | Y | Successful | |
JDEM | mem | Y | Y | Successful | |
JPEG | jpg, jpeg, jfif, jif | Y | Y | Successful | |
NOAA Polar Orbiter Level 1B | mem | Y | Y | Successful | |
Erdas LAN and GIS | lan, gis | Y | Y | Successful | |
FARSITE v4 LCP | lcp | Y | Y | Successful | |
Daylon Leveller Heightfield | ter | Y | Y | Successful | |
Vexcel MFF | hdr | Y | Y | Successful | |
Vexcel MFF2 | hdr | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
NLAPS | h1, h2, h3, hd | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
NITF | ntf, nsf | Y | Y | Successful | |
PCI aux Labeled | aux | Y | Y | Successful | |
PCI Geomatics Database File | pix | Y | Y | Successful | |
PCRaster | map | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
NASA Planetary Data System | lbl, img | Y | Y | Successful | |
Portable Network Graphics | png | Y | Y | Successful | |
NetPBM | pbm, ppm, pgm | Y | Y | Successful | |
Swedish Grid RIK | rik | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
Raster Matrix Format | rsw, mtw | Y | Y | Successful | |
Raster Product Format | toc | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
RadarSat2 XML | xml | Y | Y | Successful | |
Idrisi Raster | rst, rdc | Y | Y | Successful | |
SAR CEOS | img | Y | Y | Successful | |
USGS SDTS DEM | ddf | Y | Y | Successful | |
SGI Raster Format | rgb, sgi | Y | Y | Successful | |
Standard Raster Product (ASRP/USRP) | gen | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
SRTM HGT Format | hgt | Y | Y | Successful | |
Terragen Heightfield | ter | Y | Y | Successful | |
TerraSAR-X Product | xml | Y | Y | Successful | |
USGS ASCII DEM | dem | Y | Y | Successful | |
X11 Pixmap | xpm | Y | Y | Successful | |
GDAL VRT | vrt | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
EarthWatch/DigitalGlobe Tiles | til | Y | Y | Successful | |
Rasterlite | sqlite, db | Y | Y | Successful | |
Northwood/VerticalMapper Classified Grid Format | grc | Y | Y | Successful | |
Northwood/VerticalMapper Numeric Grid Format | grd | Y | Y | Successful | |
R Raster Data | asc, rdb | Y | Y | Successful | |
SAGA GIS Binary Grid | sdat | Y | Y | Successful | |
HF2/HFZ Heightfield Raster | hff, hf2, hfz | Y | Y | Successful | |
ASCII Gridded XYZ | xyz | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
NOAA gtx vertical datum shift | gtx | Y | Y | Successful | |
NADCON .los/.las Datum Grid Shift | los | Y | Y | Successful | |
NTv2 Datum Grid Shift | gsb | Y | Y | Successful | |
OziExplorer raster | ozf2, ozfx3 | Y | Y | Successful | |
ACE2 DEM | ace2 | Y | Y | Successful | |
ECRG TOC | xml | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
SNODAS | hdr | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
GRASS Ascii Grid | asc, txt | Y | Y | Successful | |
NetCDF | nc, cdl | Y | Y | Successful | |
HDF4 Data | hdf, hdf4, he4, h4 | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
HDF4 Image | hdf, hdf4, he4, h4 | Y | Y | Successful | |
HDF5 Data | hdf, h5, he5, hdf5 | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
HDF5 Image | hdf, h5, he5, hdf5 | Y | Y | Successful | |
Bathymetry Attributed Grid | bag | Y | Y | Successful | |
PostGIS Raster | Y | Y | Need Test Files | ||
OziExplorer MAP raster | map | Y | Y | Successful | |
CTable 2 | Y | Y | Need Test Files | ||
Azavea Raster Grid | arg | Y | Y | Y | Need Test Files |
USGS LULC Composite Theme Grid | Y | Y | Successful | ||
ZMap | Y | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
NGS Geoid | bin | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
MB Tiles | mbtiles | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
IRIS Weather Radar | dat | Y | Y | Successful | |
GeoPDF | Y | Y | Need Test Files | ||
KRO | Y | Y | Need Test Files | ||
Sentinel-1 SAFE XML | safe | Y | Y | Successful | |
NASA Planetary Data System 4 | xml | Y | Y | Successful | |
ISCE | slc | Y | Y | Successful | |
CALS Type 1 | Y | Y | Need Test Files | ||
VICAR | Y | Y | Need Test Files | ||
Sentinel2 | xml | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
R Raster | grd | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
Natural Resources Canada’s Geoid file format | byn | Y | Y | Successful | |
AutoCAD DWG Raster format | dwg | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
Geopackage | gpkg | Y | Y | Y | Successful |
PHOTOMOD Raster File | prf | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
ROI_PAC | int, amp, slc, cor, hgt, unw, msk, trans, dem, flg | Y | Y | Successful | |
Scaled Integer Gridded DEM | sigdem | Y | Y | Need Test Files | |
Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF | tif | Y | Y | Y | Need Test Files |
International Service for the Geoid | asc, txt | Y | Y | Y | Need Test Files |
Zarr | zgroup, zarray, zmetadata | Y | Y | Y | Need Test Files |
TARGA Image File Format | tga | Y | Y | Y | Need Test Files |
Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalog Tiled Assets | json | Y | Y | Y | Need Test Files |
Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalog Items | json | Y | Y | Y | Need Test Files |
Esri Compact Cache V2 | xml | Y | Y | Y | Need Test Files |
ClueTrust actively and rigorously tests each of our supported file formats in each of the asserted capabilities above. Even though this is the case, we cannot guarantee that every file format will be handled correctly in every file (owing to differences of opinion of what "correctly" is and variations in file versions and vagaries in some formats). What we can guarantee is that we're interested in making Cartographica the most astute import and export package on the market and so we want to hear about it when something isn't working to your satisfaction.
To this end, we are seeking files of various types for testing. If you have a problem importing data or exporting data, or if you have access to one of the file types that we don't currently have test files for and would be willing to provide one or more test files, it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact us via the Bug Report page and we'll coordinate pick-up of any files that are larger than are allowed.